How to Choose A House To Rent - 5 Great Tips

Renting property can be a tricky business, so before you let your heart rule your head and 'fall in love' with a property and rent it on the spot, make sure you take the time to consider all the following factors:

1. Research other property available in the area.

After you have worked out how much you can afford, do some research into the neighbourhood to see what you will be able to get at this price. It may be worth considering moving out of a city or town centre to pay cheaper rent although you may then need to pay extra travel expenses depending on your circumstances. Alternatively you may find that some parts of town are simply more expensive than others.

2. Not taking time to think about your needs

You need to be clear about exactly what you need. For example, you will need to think about if you would like to rent the property with or without furniture? You will normally find property that can be let fully furnished, part furnished or unfurnished. Which is right for you will depend on your circumstances. It is always sensible to find out whether the owner will take away or provide certain items, although the former might not be possible if they will have to be stored elsewhere. You should also consider things like how many rooms you require and if you will live alone or with others.

It may be worthwhile making a list of things that you want or need in a property, this list you could take with you as you view properties. If the tenancy is to be shared, you should discuss the list beforehand and go to viewings together.

3. Check out the local amenities

Work out the practicalities of getting to your local supermarket, local transport, to and from work etc. Parking is increasingly a big issue in towns - find out whether there are any parking limitations or parking problems locally. If you have children of school age - one of the most important things to check out are the local schools.

4. Ensure that you see the property more than once

Many people only view their future home once, and make a snap decision. It's very important to feel comfortable where you live - make sure that you go back and have at least one more look at your perspective home - preferably in daylight as well as night. Seeing a property in the dark, in particular, can mask all sorts of problems.

5. Not taking time to choose the right solicitor

A sensible way of choosing a solicitor is by personal recommendation. For example, a family member, friend or colleague might be able to give you the name of a good firm that they have used in the past. Alternatively, appointing a local solicitor is a sensible idea. Whilst it is possible to appoint a solicitor in any part of the country, the local solicitor will have valuable knowledge and will be readily accessible for face to face meetings.

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