Sales Culture Building

In this competitive world, these three strategies are the must in order to develop our products selling. Are: strategies to gain new customer, strategies to provide the better service for customers, and the last strategies is how to maintain the existing customers. For sure all those strategies need the best human resources supplied with best sales training as well.

These three strategies need a large effort. Developing sales skill with good sales training for all our employees is included. Applying these strategies require a culture change for the firm. To change the culture and give training and supporting needed for your staffs will take time and planning.

Below are steps to change our firm culture to be an effective sales culture:

1. Communicate the need for sales initiatives to all employees

2. Acknowledge reasons for employee resistance to sales assignments

3. Provide extensive sales training

4. Provide follow-up and reinforcement

Sales culture building is not end after conducting sales training. The important thing to be emphasized here after training is stressing our expectation to all employees. We have to realize that applying the new knowledge after their training will takes time too. So the support along this trial period is important.

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