Di tengah perjalanan "karir" online kita, bagi yang menggeluti dunia internet sebgai ajang mencari tambahan 'doku' sebagai lapangan pekerjaan sampingan, kadang kita menemui titik kejenuhan karena berbagai macam alasan yang membutuhkan obat penyegar. Di dunia cyber tentu telah banyak yang memberikan tips, anjuran, atau bahkan sudah menjadi sebuah ulasan panjang untuk mengatasi, mengantisipasi, atau bahkan bagaimana cara membunuh kejenuhan itu.
Lah terus apa hubungannya dengan souvenir kipas seperti yang tertulis sebagai judul? He he he he.. Menurutku pribadi sangat erat, soalnya berdasarkan pengalaman kemaren ketika aku lama vacum ga online akibat malas berat untuk update blog (itu salah satu faktor, faktor yang lain adalah belom ada duit buat reload flash aq, Ha ha ha ha), tiba-tiba kepikiran untuk membuat usaha kecil-kecilan di dunia nyata (offline). Terpikirlah olehku membuat semacam kerajinan tangan atau souvenir yang gampang pembuatannya, tidak butuh banyak modal, tapi dicari banyak orang.
Souvenir Kipas

Fail Factors

Some people don't really know what it is they want. Many define what they want by stating what they don't want. The result, they get exactly what they don't want. Why because instead of focusing on what they do want they are focused on what they don't want. I recently discovered this while having a disciplinary discussion with our eleven year old daughter. The discussion was about her behavior and why it is wrong. What's funny about this is we had this exact same discussion less than sixty days prior.
During this discussion I realized that my daughter did not think she was doing anything wrong, she believed she was acting according to what was acceptable for an eleven year old. I had to think about this for a bit because she did not understand that it is not ok to misbehave. I got the idea to use an example and ask her what she thought about it.

Surf Anonymously Without a Trace with Max AnonySurf

Max Secure Software has developed anonymizing software Max AnonySurf to protect the privacy and secure the identity by staying one step ahead of these online predators. Max AnonySurf hides your IP address so that online snoops are unable to track the sites you visit and build profiles on your Internet activities. Max AnonySurf also protects you from unintentionally visiting websites that are known to be phishing, pharming, or spyware sites.